It has often been said that to change your habits, you must really want to change. To quit smoking, you must want to quit. To lose weight, you must really want to follow your diet, etc. However, I strongly disagree with that belief. I have worked with many clients who have made significant changes that
Time Management: Part III Plan, plan, plan!
Q: What are the three most important elements of time management? A: 1. Planning 2. Planning 3. Planning. This is such a simple truth that I’m almost embarrassed to mention it. Nevertheless, it is often the one thing people fail to do. I have a very simple planning system. I’m not saying that it’s the
Time Management: Part II Urgent vs. Important
Do you feel very busy but not very productive? If so, you may be making the all-to-common mistake of confusing what’s “urgent” with what’s “important.” Productivity guru Stephen Covey is my guide in making this distinction. “Urgent” items are those that grab our immediate attention and seem to require a fairly quick response. Before the
Time Management: Part I The Fairness of Time
To Change Behavior, Measure
Busy, But Not Productive?
A Magic Word
I’m going to share my magic word. It helps combat discouragement and turns potentially disastrous days into productive ones. It’s good for your health, your self-esteem, and can make you a better person. It can even put money in your pocket. The magic word is “Nevertheless.” Here’s how I use it. “I’m tired and I’ve
Imagine how good your life would be if you did everything you needed to do in a timely and efficient manner. You would have a lot less stress. You would enjoy better health. You might even make more money. Unfortunately, most of us find it much too easy to put things off. Psychologists have discovered