Most of us don’t accomplish all that we could. We waste time on trivial things and have trouble finishing what we start. Maybe it’s fear of failure. Maybe it’s difficulty finding the motivation to do the hard work. Maybe it’s poor time management.
Through my training as a certified life coach, I learned to apply basic principles of behavior change to help me write three books, become a national speaker, and develop healthy habits of diet and exercise. It’s not that I have great willpower. I’m just a recovering procrastinator who has learned to apply some basic principles.
Productivity coaching can help you accomplish any worthwhile goal such as:
- Make a career change
- Finish your degree or other training
- Develop and build your own business
- Get your home uncluttered
- Write a book
- Learn a new skill
- Follow a diet/exercise program
- Achieve a higher level of success in your career
Check back for a video about productivity coaching (coming soon)
All coaching clients receive a free copy of my book Consider It Done: Ten Prescriptions for Finishing What You Start.
Since coaching is not a healthcare service, it can often be done via phone, Skype or Zoom.