Most marriages can be saved. Atlanta psychologist, Dr. Stan Hibbs, has observed that many couples want to improve their marriages; they just don’t know how. In his approach to marital counseling, he helps clients develop the attitudes and skills necessary for healing their relationship.
How to Lose an Argument with your Spouse
Are you currently locked in a dispute with your husband or wife? Here’s a guaranteed way to lose the argument. First, assemble all the facts and logic that show that you are right and your spouse is wrong. Next, present your spouse with your brilliantly outlined facts and logic. If your initial arguments don’t work,
The Anger Habit
I’ve just finished reading, The Anger Habit by Carl Semmelroth, Ph.D. The author explodes a long-held myth about this troubling emotion. Many of us believe that we must “express” our anger or “let it out,” or else the anger will “build up” and we’ll “explode.” Almost everyone believes this myth, including most therapists. But it
Take a Break from Criticism
The Empty Nest
With our younger son off to college, my wife and I have entered the phase called the “empty nest.” I don’t know who invented that phrase, but I don’t much care for it. “Empty” implies that “there’s no one there.” Actually, there are two healthy, happy, positive-thinking adults in the “nest” who are looking forward