I don’t understand my memory. I forget names of people I met two minutes ago. I misplace things. I look for items but then forget what I wanted. My memory is very bad.
But in other ways, my memory is very good. I retain information about my clients, I can name all of the Presidents, and I rarely lose at Trivial Pursuit.
When my clients report memory problems, I often suggest they consult with a neurologist. However, more often than not, their memory problems are associated with depression, ADHD, or just “normal forgetfulness.”
Rather than worry about memory, I have learned tricks to work around it. If I need to take a book to work tomorrow, I put it in the car the night before. When I meet someone, I repeat his name in the conversation. I would be lost without my appointment book and Franklin planner.
They’re doing great things in brain research so we’ll probably have a true “memory pill” someday. In the meantime, make the best of the memory you’ve got.